Supervision and coaching


I am a consultant and a supervisor. I have experience working in the social, medical and commercial sphere. I will be happy to help you or your team in group or individual consultation, also in English.

I follow systemic principles in our work. I strengthen and develop our skills and knowledge in long-term training under the guidance of Dr. František Matuška. I know from experience and training that the problem is rather deepened by unsystematic and repetitive talk about the problem and its symptoms. Therefore, I focus on the perspective of the future solution or the desired target state. I try to avoid retrospective look back (of course we respect it if the situation requires it). I focus on the present and look towards the desired state in the future.  I try to find strong qualities of the client and resources to build on. The essence of my work is mainly in helping conversation. From the systemic point of view, I perceive the client with all his or hers „systems“. I do not analyze individual parts of one´s life, I try to see the overall picture of his life and perceive the client holistically. I lead the consultation in the sense of the Socrates Dialogue – with respect for the view of the client, but also as a stimulating and inspiring view of the world from another perspective. After all, the client is the ultimate arbitrator, who is the only true expert in his life, so you won’t hear unsolicited advice or simple solutions from me.